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Subject Finder Category: Society and Culture
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Your search results for Society and Culture. Matching sites: 260 found. Displaying results 31 - 40 of 260

TheGlasgowStory tells the story of Glasgow in words and pictures. Explore the subjects and images of Glasgow history, culture, industry & technology, building & cityscape.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need
Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 USA Presidential Campaign.

Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Culture generally refers to creative human activity, including such broad and wide fields as art, entertainment, social structure, custom and tradition.

South African Institute of Race Relations
Promotes economic wellbeing and increasing standards of living than it does on addressing occasional incidents of racist behavior. Indeed the Institute believes racial prejudice in our society, while undesirable, is not a cause for significant concern.

Australian Studies - Australia - Academic Info
Australia Studies - Directory of Online Australian Resources Sections include: digital publications, Australian history, Australian Aboriginal Studies, Australian law & government.

The WWW Virtual Library: Society
The WWW Virtual Library provides online information in the various disciplines of the Society and culture.

Middle East History, Society, and Culture Resources
A guide to resources available on the WWW for those interested in Middle East history, society, and culture .

BBC - Tribe
BBC Two's Tribe series follows explorer Bruce Parry as he lives amongst and attempts to understand these remote islands of indigenous culture as the pressures of the modern world exceedingly encroach on their existence.

Institute of Race Relations (IRR)
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) was established as an independent educational charity in 1958 to carry out research, publish and collect resources on race relations throughout the world.

Peace Now
Peace Now is the largest extra-parliamentary movement in Israel, the country's oldest peace movement and the only peace group to have a broad public base.

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