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Subject Finder Category: Society and Culture
Arts & Crafts Genealogy Politics
Charity Organisations Government Relationships
Children & Teens History Religion
Culture Law Social Care
Education Languages & Linguistics Sociology
Ethnicity Parenting Youth

Your search results for Society and Culture. Matching sites: 260 found. Displaying results 161 - 170 of 260

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Works across the UK and maximises international links to tackle child sex abuse wherever and whenever it happens.

Fabian Society
Provides an arena for open-minded debate, the Society's programme aims to explore the political ideas and the policy reforms which will define progressive politics in the future.

Open Society Institute and Soros Foundation Network
Aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform.

Link Ethiopia
A charity working to support education in Ethiopia and to increase cultural awareness between young people in Ethiopia and the UK.

Culture Online
Culture Online projects are designed to inspire people to learn and participate in the arts and culture through the innovative use of technology and give children and young people the opportunity to develop their talents to the full..

Control Arms - campaign for tougher controls on the arms trade
A lack of control of the arms trade is globally fuelling conflict poverty and human rights abuses ... to bring the trade in weapons under control and for local action to protect civilians from armed violence.

Retirement Research Foundation
Retirement Research Foundation (RRF) is devoted solely to serving the needs of older persons in the U.S. and enhancing their quality of life. We?re working to make sure that today?s seniors remain vibrant, vital participants of our society.

Peace One Day
Engages society, including governments, organisations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organisations and individuals in observance of 21 September, through the practical manifestation of non-violence and ceasefire.

Works to enable women to voice their concerns and claim their rights, and to work globally for policies and practices which promote equality between men and women.

Refugee Council
The Refugee Council is the largest refugee agency in the UK providing advice to asylum seekers and refugees, supporting other organisations in their refugee work, and promoting asylum seekers' and refugees' rights.

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