Subject Finder Category: Society and Culture | ||
Arts & Crafts | Genealogy | Politics |
Charity Organisations | Government | Relationships |
Children & Teens | History | Religion |
Culture | Law | Social Care |
Education | Languages & Linguistics | Sociology |
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Your search results for Society and Culture. Matching sites: 260 found. Displaying results 101 - 110 of 260 |
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust aims to work with educators to foster an anti-racist educational culture by providing practical support to schools developing anti-racist curriculum. War On Want - Fighting for a world without poverty War on Want fights poverty in developing countries in partnership and solidarity with people affected by globalisation. It campaigns for workers' rights and against the root causes of global poverty, inequality and injustice. Brake - the Road Safety Charity Aims to prevent death and injury on the roads through education of all road users and campaigning for Government improvements to road safety. International Society for Ecology and Culture International Society for Ecology and Culture: promoting locally based alternatives to the global consumer culture. Global Witness Exposes the corrupt exploitation of natural resources and international trade systems, to drive campaigns that end impunity, resource-linked conflict, and human rights and environmental abuses. Drinkaware Trust Helping change public behaviour and the UK drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol-related harm. International Labour Organization The International Labour Organization is the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. Fishonline Helps you identify which fish are from well managed sources and/or caught using methods that minimise damage to marine wildlife and habitats. Foundation for Information Policy Research An independent body that studies the interaction between information technology and society. Its goal is to identify technical developments with significant social impact, commission and undertake research into public policy alternatives, ... Shavei Israel Shavei Israel? literally, 'Israel returns' - is the starting point for anyone with Jewish roots or ancestry yearning to return to the Jewish people. |
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