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Subject Finder Category: Society and Culture
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Your search results for Society and Culture. Matching sites: 260 found. Displaying results 91 - 100 of 260

Offers help, hope and freedom from drug and alcohol dependency. It develops a treatment workforce capable of delivering such services through research, to improve our understanding of addiction ...

CIVITAS: the Institute for the Study of Civil Society
Civitas is an independent think tank that seeks to deepen public understanding of the legal, institutional and moral framework that makes possible a free and democratic society.

UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC)
An independent body aims to improve political, media and public understanding of drug policy issues and the options for achieving a rational and effective (evidence-led) response to the problems caused by illegal drugs.

Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees
Aims to collect and make available independent information on asylum in the UK; undertake research, publish and teach on UK asylum and global refugee issues; explore ways of improving the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK ...

Compass is the democratic left pressure group, whose goal is to debate and develop the ideas for a more equal and democratic world, then campaign and organise to help ensure they become reality.

Drugs and driving - the law
Drug users don't start using drugs to become addicted on purpose. But with many drugs containing substances that are addictive, people who use them casually in their spare time can then become regular users.

End Violence Against Women
The End Violence Against Women Campaign believes that women in the UK are entitled to live their lives free from gender-based violence and discrimination.

Wired - A unique grass roots initiative to tackle drug and alcohol misuse
A unique new initiative to tackle drug and alcohol misuse that merges real world activities with a high profile web based communication system.

Fawcett Society
The Fawcett Society has information and campaign resources connected with equal pay, equal rights and women's position in the UK.

Lesbian and Gay Foundation
The Lesbian and Gay Foundation aims to promote and develop services and activities which work towards real and long-term improvements in the health and quality of life for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual people.

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