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Subject Finder Category: Mathematics
Algebra Discrete Mathematics Number Theory
Applied Mathematics Geometry Probability
Arithmetic Interactive Mathematics Statistics
Calculus Logic Trigonometry

Your search results for Mathematics. Matching sites: 393 found. Displaying results 281 - 290 of 393

Tutorials for Applied Calculus and Finite Mathematics
Find tutorials on Finite Mathematics, algebra and calculus including quizzes and review exercises.

Trigonometric functions
The site has useful information about the use of trigonometric functions and early work with spherical triangles, plane triangles and trigonometric functions related to chords of a circle.

Mathematics on the Web
The American Mathematical Society was founded in 1888 to further mathematical research and scholarship. It fulfills its mission through programs that promote mathematical research, increase the awareness of the value of mathematics to society.

Unit Conversion is the ultimate resource for unit conversion. Use our free online unit converters to easily convert between different units of measurement.

The History of Mathematics
Collection of original papers of Berkeley, Hamilton, Riemann, Boole, Cantor, and Newton.

Probability Problems from Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Introduction to probability, sample spaces, random variables, independent events, dozens of solved problems.

Mathematical Interactivities
Over 50 interactive resources to help in teaching and learning mathematics. - Math Practice
Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems instantly.

Boyle's Law
When you think trigonometry you should think triangles -- not just geometric triangles but musical triangles -- because trigonometry is the mathematics of sound and music.

The Mathematical Association
The Association exists to bring about improvements in the teaching of mathematics and its applications, and to provide a means of communication among students and teachers of mathematics.

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